? ??????????????Rock and Roll Lightning? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (15 Ratings)??8 Grabs Today. 7190 Total G
rabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Skull Within? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (35 Ratings)??8 Grabs Today. 7314 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pendidikan Moral の Kerja Amal

As all of us know, every Form 4 student is compulsary to complete 4 tugasan Pendidikan Moral in order to score marks in our future SPM Pendidikan Moral subject.

ChuJing and I decided to complete Kerja Amal, which is one of the tugasan today during scout meeting.

So called "kerja amal" is considered as a must to every student so that we reveal our "sublime morality" during kerja amal. Wastage of time! Come to think of it, I have completely excelled in my virtues so why must I waste my time on that crap?! Ridiculous isn't it? XDD

Lamentably, Chujing and I did not take this kerja amal seriously, and we decided to mess up everything in scout den, and redo it. That's our kerja amal.

We took our opportunity to turn the scout den upside-down. Subsequently we asked Ari Saw to snatch some photos with his camera phone for us while we were "cleaning up" to score higher marks in that Tugasan.

Must really thanks to Ari Saw for your photo snatching. Your phone camera rocks!!

Check out those photos whether there're anything wrong in some areas. (Those photos are not edited at all)

Found anything going wrong? These first two photos isn't obvious enough, nevermind =)

Let's continue.

Anything wrong u can spot?

If you cannot, nevermind, let's proceed as there are more photos.

This time found those ghostly figures le bah....

Ari Saw's phone camera quality damn good lor...

By the way, if you still cannot see anything wrong, nevermind.

Do go to have an optical check ^^