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rabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????????Skull Within? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.1 (35 Ratings)??8 Grabs Today. 7314 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random again lor...

Things have been changing from time to time.

If someone who you love smoke without letting you know and one day you find that out, will you still love her/him or you'll rather just break up with her/him instead?

I would like to insist breaking up relationship if this happens on me. Smoking kills health. So did my brother, he chose the brilliant choice with breaking up with her.

Anyway, I've been studying like an ass for my Sejarah paper in SPM but when the test paper is distributed, disappointment overwhelmed me instantly without giving my face. DENG, only knew how to do one essay question COMPLETELY for paper 2 and the rest, tembak.

Thanks to Kasturi Sejarah Seminar Conductor's ramalan. One day after SPM I'll assure you guys that I'm gonna find his face out via Internet or whatsoever source, and do some editing on him. XD

Yeap. 3 Subjects down, left 7 more to go to officially celebrate the "passing away" of SPM by oxidising all our reference books.

What else changed recently ar?

Ahh! Jay Chou's concert. I've successfully reserved an entry ticket for myself. Hopefully by that moment I'm not seeing only one small figure in the concert hall. I WANT SEE THE REAL JAY CHOU FACE!

One more thing before signing off, I'm going to go for my driving exam right after SPM, so that I can fly here and there without need to rely on my mum to send me. And if I fail the exam, I'll just bang the car perpetually on a tiang until the examiner surrender and let me pass. I'm a dangerous creature XD

Kay lar, have to off to continue my revision. I WANNA GET AT LEAST A IN MY ADD MATH AS WELL AS P.MORAL!!! ROARR!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sharing is Caring mahh

I've found this somewhere via Internet (don't ask me about the source) and I would like to share with all of my beloved mates who are going to sit for SPM soon. And don't ask me why am I soooo generous all of a sudden to share this to everyone.

I hope you find this helpful in enhancing your writing skill in your SPM BM paper 1 though this is not really perfect.

Penanda Wacana

Ayat Pendahuluan
• Pada zaman globalisasi ini
• Pada zaman pascakemerdekaan ini
• Dalm meniti arus kemodenan ini
• Darsawarsa ini
• Dalam meniti kehidupan pada marcapada
• Sejak sedekad yang lalu
• Sejak negara menikmati arus kemerdekaan
• Belakangan ini
• Sejak akhir-akhir ini

Penanda untuk menyatakan contoh
• Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah
• Mari kita mengambil contoh
• Tamsilnya
• Sebagai contoh
• Sebagaimana yang kata sedia maklum
• Antaranya adalah seperti
• Misalnya
• Contohnya

Penanda untuk menghuraikan idea
• Bertitik-tolak daripada hal itu
• Dalam hal ini
• Oleh hal yang demikian
• Oleh sebab itu
• Oleh itu
• Justifikasinya
• Maka

Penanda untuk menghuraikan contoh
• Hal ini demikian kerana
• Hal ini berlaku kerana
• Hal ini terjadi kerana
• Hal ini disebabkan oleh
• Hal ini wujud akibat daripada
• Hal ini bersangkut-paut dengan
• Hal ini tercetus apabila
• Hal ini timbul apakala

Penanda untuk menulis dua huraian dalam satu perenggan
• Bahkan
• Malah
• Malahan
• Di samping itu
• Sementelahan pula
• Sekali gus
• Tambahan pula
• Justeru

Penanda untuk Ayat penegas
• Jadi
• Jelaslah

Penanda wacana untuk pendapat yang berbeza

• Walakin begitu
• Daripada perspektif yang berbeza
• Kontradiksinya
• Di sebalik itu
• Sebaliknya
• Dengan kata lain
• Dari sudut lain
• Namun demikian
• Walaubagaimanapun
• Walaupun begitu

Frasa untuk menyatakan peribahasa
• Senario ini persis dengan peribahasa melayu yakni
• Persis kata peribahasa melayu
• Persis kata mutiara
• Persis kata orang tua-tua
• Bak kata peribahasa melayu

Penanda untuk menyatakan contoh
• Apa yang dimaksudkan ialah
• Mari kita mengambil contoh
• Tamsilnya
• Sebagai contoh
• Sebagaimana yang kata sedia maklum
• Antaranya adalah seperti
• Misalnya
• Contohnya

Penanda untuk menghuraikan idea
• Bertitik-tolak daripada hal itu
• Dalam hal ini
• Oleh hal yang demikian
• Oleh sebab itu
• Oleh itu
• Justifikasinya
• Maka

Penanda untuk menghuraikan contoh
• Hal ini demikian kerana
• Hal ini berlaku kerana
• Hal ini terjadi kerana
• Hal ini disebabkan oleh
• Hal ini wujud akibat daripada
• Hal ini bersangkut-paut dengan
• Hal ini tercetus apabila
• Hal ini timbul apakala

Penanda untuk menulis dua huraian dalam satu perenggan
• Malah
• Malahan
• Di samping itu
• Sementelahan pula
• Sekali gus
• Tambahan pula
• Justeru

Penanda untuk Ayat penegas
• Jadi
• Jelaslah

Penanda wacana untuk pendapat yang berbeza
• Walakin begitu
• Daripada perspektif yang berbeza
• Kontradiksinya
• Di sebalik itu
• Sebaliknya
• Dengan kata lain
• Dari sudut lain
• Namun demikian
• Walaubagaimanapun
• Walaupun begitu

Frasa untuk menyatakan peribahasa
• Senario ini persis dengan peribahasa melayu yakni
• Persis kata peribahasa melayu
• Persis kata mutiara
• Persis kata orang tua-tua
• Bak kata peribahasa melayu

Penanda untuk Ayat penutup
• Intihanya
• Secara tuntas
• Konklusinya
• Sebagai penutup wacana
• Sebagai penghias bicara akhir
• Secara komprehensifnya
• Sebelum mengakhiri wacana ini
• Kesimpulannya
• Ringkasnya
• Rumusannya
• Natijahnya

Penanda untuk Ayat penutup

• Intihanya
• Secara tuntas
• Konklusinya
• Sebagai penutup wacana
• Sebagai penghias bicara akhir
• Secara komprehensifnya
• Sebelum mengakhiri wacana ini
• Kesimpulannya
• Ringkasnya
• Rumusannya
• Natijahnya

That's all lar. Don't have to thanks me. XD

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Words to Someone

Obviously, this is written to a coward who I encountered with in my life. A confession of my hatred towards him. True, a destructive defamation.

Sue me, IF I've ever written YOUR name here, coward.

You're a true coward.
Where's your eggs? Where's your grapes? Where's your balls?
If you don't understand either of the stated terms 'eggs', 'grapes' or 'balls',
Definitely you're suffering from Down's Syndrome.
Consult a doctor, for heaven's sake.
A better suggestion? Yes.
Go to KLCC and head to the top floor, jump down and i guarantee you,
I guarantee God, I guarantee folks around the globe,
I bet with my eggs or grapes or balls,
The inexistence of you will at least save up some precious energy or time
Of some fortunate specialists
And some carbon foot print that has caused global warming.
Uncertain about the location of KLCC,
Plead your mum to place you in the middle of Federal Highway,
Within 5 seconds, you'll be able to see your beloved ancestors.

You're a true noob.
Ever you have understood the real definition of NOOB?
It means your name, and it spells like your name.
You often call people noob, yet you're of the same species.
No, you're not a noob.
You don't deserve it.
You're an undiscovered creature.
I don't know why, I really don't understand,
why don't the school send you to the authorities concerned?
At least you'll not wander around, and scare folks off with your face,
At least your species can be discovered by the biological investigation centre,
At least you can DIE with a name given to you.

I, genuinely feel utmost sorry for you.
Pity for you, undiscovered species. Pathetic little prat. =)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Exactly ONE month before SPM

I can assure you, this is the last time for me to make an update to my blog before SPM comes. No doubt, have to really really work hard to achieve good results in my coming SPM in order to get into good college for the sake of my future.

Things around me changed a lot, since the last time I updated my blog til now. My younger brother had got himself a beloved ( and fucked himself up in his PMR) , the pressure upon me increases since the bloody SPM is getting nearer, etc.

Since I do not really know what to write about in this post, let me just tell you about what had happened last night during my biology tuition class.

As always, Oscar, Au and I went to the class. When the teacher was conducting her class, suddenly our attention was drawn to a centipede which was crawling on the wall near Oscar. Everyone including the teacher was staring at the centipede since it was believed that its bite was hazardous.

Spontaneously, Oscar without further hesitation grabbed one of his slippers in his hand and slammed it onto the centipede which was on the wall yet he missed it and the centipede flied to somewhere around Oscar's pencil case.

Everyone was panic by that instant except Oscar. He suspected the centipede was inside his pencil case, hence he sacrificed by stepping vigorously onto his pencil case.

After that, when he wanted to open the pencil case by using his stapler and pen to check it out, the centipede flied out from the stapler and this scared him outta hell. Using his poor slipper again, he whacked the centipede perpetually until it turned into a paste.

We guffawed when we came to realise that Oscar has indeed stepped on his pencil case for nothing. LOLOL.

FUN isn't it? XD

Well, I know I'm random ._.

Before leaving, all the best to all those who are going to take SPM as well as STPM. =)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Trial, and subsequently the ultimate SPM

Guess what?

Trial is approaching soon, precisely, not more than 2 weeks time.

SPM, not more than 3 months.

Despite the modem at my home is officially confiscated by mum, and is said to be for my own good, yet I can still easily access to the Internet via my super sophisticated handphone, computer in my mum's shop, computers or lappies in my friend's house, etc. Well, what's the difference after all? ._.

Anyway, recently I've been having group study with my classmates. During the so called 'group study', we study and discuss for approximately 5 hours, 'yum cha' for about an hour, and eventually chit-chat and Facebook from 3a.m. until 9a.m. And sleep for 3 hours. A systematic timetable for all SPM-dealers.

Nothing much to talk here actually since nothing unique happened nowadays. Just to slightly clear some dust away from my semi-dead blog.

Before signing off, I'm here sincerely to drop by a good luck wish to all my friends who are encountering trials or whatever examinations, including all the Form 3 asses, Form 5 retardeds, and lastly Form 6 gor gor as well as jie jie. <3
Last but not least, SPM is retarded. =)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reviving Blog, I Hope So.

Didn't update my blog for months just simply because Facebook is much more seductive compared to blogging. I'm here to clean the dust with ONE post. Pathetic. =D

Oh yea, I'm doing this for Jue Chuan's sake, since he claimed that my blog is fascinating XD

It's already in the month of August in a blink of an eye and the bloodcurdling SPM is just around the corner. Not more than 100 days, I guess.

Seriously, I have to let go everything and start my intensive revision. More precisely, HARDCORE STUDY.

Yet it's really an extraordinary strenuous task for me to leave Facebook and face the real book. Well, It's too ADDICTIVE.

Can anyone help me to bang my damn computer? =x

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

NG Shot [The Landlady]

Recently I'm working on my video 'The Landlady' for my EL project.

When I was half way editing, I found a very interesting NG shot. Take a look:

So, should I insert this into the credit of my video? XD

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Birthday Celebration with Family

After having chemistry tuition at Oscar's house last night, my mum approached and picked us up to Neway in Time Square to yell and rant as loud as we could as celebration of my birthday. =D
It took us a while to progress to Time Square and by the instant we arrived, fortunately we were still managed to belly up to the buffet service which is provided by Neway. The buffet ended at around 11p.m. and we approached there at nearly 11p.m.

After being greedy while grabbing FOOD, we went to our room, Room 8, and started to, well, you know, sing, or perhaps belt out, or mumble or chant for some specific Jay Chou's songs, or even roar and groan and scream for some high key songs.
Of course, we definitely would not shut our eyes to our beloved <3> besides 'singing'. Oscar had improved in his drinking. He was able to drink up to a cup finally. Thanks to mi ._.

Subsequently the 'cake blowing session'.

A photo speaks a thousand words. Photos FTW =D

Happy Family =D (Second Uncle, mi, mum and my younger brother, Felix)

My oreo cakeeeeeee XD

That bunch of assholes again =)

''Entrepreneurs yam-seng-ing.'' Too much of EL no good ._.

Yeap. My dear ._.

We got our asses back at 2.30a.m. Slept well. =)

Friday, June 4, 2010

TGI Friday's celebration

Kum Zhun and my classmates intended to celebrate my birthday with mi at TGI Friday's today. My actual birthday is on tomorrow indeed, yet since today is a school day, after Teacher's Day Celebration, we subsequently headed to TGI Friday's, Pavillion.

Many people wished me in school. By thanking them one by one also mouth cramp. LOLS.

Wai Shin and Magdalene even sang me Birthday song. Finished within 20 seconds. short yet touching. =D

Teacher's Day Celebration. Happy Teacher's Day, Pn. Hasma XD

After all of us being dismissed in school, 32 of us went to Pavillion by monorail, and went to the top floor and entered the restaurant.

The food was fantastically nice. And the price killed us.

RM1130.65. God bless our wallets =D

Group Photo. Cheeeeeese~!

Really have to thanks Kum Zhun for everything. Thank you for making my birthday memorable.

Next time only treat you a meal as return XD


4th June 2010,

Happiest boy in the globe, Jay. =D

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Redang Trip

I did something really 'yeng'.

Well, I went on vacation in Redang Island during exam season. Cool isn't it? =)

27/5, together with Oscar's and my family, we went to PWTC by LRT t around 10p.m. and got into our bus.

We then departed 30 minutes later. The seats in the bus was so cosy that I fell asleep unconsciously before 11.30p.m.

It was already next morning once I woke up. We had approached Kuala Terengganu. We got down from the bus, and carried our respective luggages and baggages into a ship, which leaded us to our final destination, Laguna Redang Island Resort.

It took us one and a half hour to reach our destination by the ship. That was when everyone was bored and sleeping. And that was when, the best opportunity for mi to practice my photo snatching skill =D

My cute mum. Shh, don't tell her, otherwise she'll be killing mi =p
Oscar's mum, Aunty Linda, and his little sister, Olivia. Epic XD
After arriving our destination, we checked in and got into our room. Room 504.
That was the first day of our vacation. We went snorkeling in Kerangga Island. The sea water was not as clear as a year ago. Consequence that had been brought about by the polluted sea water is extremely serious, which is, causing my pimples to pop out like mad. .___.
After snorkeling, we came back and had fun in the swimming pool nearby our resort.
The moon that night was apparently extraordinary bright and BIG.
No doubt, Wesak day mah~
It was so bright that it even could glimmer a straight path through the surface of the sea during the dark, blackish night.
After having our dinner, Oscar, Audrick, Olivia, Felix and I had a leisurely stroll along the beach, while breathing the fresh air. It was so damn romantic for a couple to do so. LOL.
There is a bridge that connect Laguna Resort beach to another beach which had been isolated by huge rocks. We walked through the bridge and got to another beach.
That was when I saw this notices.
"The worst day diving is better than the best day working."
''Don't dive alone, dive with us''
I was shocked when I saw this label. For those who read 'xue hai' ghost stories, you will get to know a about a mystery story regarding this label.
We walked back to Laguna Resort beach and headed to More More Tea Inn, which acted as a souvenir shop today.
Eventhough the stocks there were expensive, what we bought is noble since the value of memory is priceless.

Also, a suitable romantic place for couples to paktor =)

After buying souvenirs, we went to a cafe which locates in our resort. This was the most epic part of the trip =D
Three competitions was held. One was competition among adults men and one was competition among adults women. One more was competition among small kids.
I joined the men competition and the rules was, finishing a can of 'Tiger' beer by using a straw.
To my surprise, I won the champion and got a cup and a cap as a reward. The other four competitors was amazed by that instant, so was I ._.
After that, my mum joined the competition among women adult and the rules was eating one quater of the whole damn big watermelon. My mum ended up giving up since she used to eat and chew and digest very slowly.
Last but not least, the competition among kids.
Oscar and Audrick joined and they claimed and they were 11 and 9 years old respectively. Ahahahaa...
The judge was totally dazed and stunned. He was like, 'wtf these 2 kids are so gigantic' =.=ll
The rules was drinking a can of coke by using a straw. No doubt, Oscar won. Ahahaaa laugh die mi!!
Look at the other competitors and Oscar and Audrick. Compare their sizes. Such a contrast =.=ll
The caps (prizes) that we had won in beer and coke drinking competition. LOLS.
After the game session, there was a singing session where anyone could join the band to sing or dance along. Of course, Oscar volunteered himself, as usual. ._.

Uncle Vincent came to join us drinking. All of us ended up drunk with fatigue and eventually went back to our individual room after we couldn't 'tahan' anymore.
Second day, after breakfast, we went for snorkeling in Marine Park. It was a coincidence for mi to meet Fleming Kou there.
She was on vacation with her classmates.
After snorkeling, lunch, and went to swimming pool again. Subsequently, had a short nap during afternoon due to over exhausted.
Eat eat eat, drink drink drink, and then went to play snooker with Oscar. Lose like shit. =D
Went to the cafe again, and had a drank again.
Third day in the morning, we checked out, left Redang Island, and after 8 hours of bus journey, we approached PWTC, and got back to our home finally.
Weeeeee XD

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I was rejected.

Third time if I'm not mistaken.

FML. =(

Fine. Should focus on exams instead.

Give another attempt after the exams. Good luck to mi .___.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pn. Hasmawati 'Facebook's

Pn. Hasmawati is my school B.M teacher, and as well as my form teacher.

Never get duped by her serious look. She is indeed a joker. What I can say about her is, she rocks. Many of my classmates are her fans XD

Read more about her in my previous post.

Or add her in Facebook.

Unexpectedly, she plays Facebook. Not only that, she is extraordinary active in Facebook. Well, I miscalculated her. I thought teachers should be fully engaged with loads of work. Perhaps this shows that we didn't complete her work. =p

Let's go straight to the point. Last night she was online and she called mi via Facebook conversation. We chit-chatted until 2a.m.++. LOLS

During the conversation, I kept on bursting out laughter because the way she spoke was really really absurd and humourous. My mum even reproved mi of laughing too loud in the middle of the night.

Enthusiastic about the content of our conversation?

Enjoy =D :

Somore taught mi Peribahasa. LOLS.

Look at this! She said botak is Mr. Yip. Ahahaaaaa XDD
In fact, Mr.Yip is really bald.
Kata-kata hikmat 1- Masa dicipta untuk dibazirkan.

I told her that Cik Norizan would not only deduct marks, but also pinch us.
Subsequently she came out with 2nd kata hikmat. lols.
'Ingat cubitan, ingat Cik Norizan.'
Then I came out with one kata-kata hikmat.
'Ingat gula-gula, ingat Cikgu Hasma.'
It is because she used to give us sweets for refreshment. It really works on those sleepy students.
The 3th kata-kata hikmat-Barang terlarang dicipta untuk dibawa secara curi-curi.
Total win! XD
That's why we love her so much. Her class would never be boring ;)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Visit to Hospital Ampang

We have paid a visit to Ampang Hospital yesterday.

Not to anxious about this, three of us (mom, Felix and I) are still in the pink of health.

By the way, the one who undergoes medical treatment in Ampang Hospital, is one of my mom's intimate friends. We used to address her Aunty Sally.

Though sometimes she is a little bit hot-tempered, yet she is very caring and compassionate person.

She is trustworthy. A real friend who can be trusted absolutely.

That is why my mom get so close to her.The main purpose we went to the hospital to visit her, of course. She had had a stroke, consequence of her serious high blood pressure.

When she attempted to bend her body down in order to wash some clothes, in that instant she collapsed. Her friend who stayed with her, Aunty S, found that she had passed out after approximately 10 minutes later, and without wasting any precious second, she sent her to the nearby Ampang Hospital briskly.

Unfortunately, the doctor told Aunty S that Aunty Sally was in the status of incurable and she would become coma, a person with insensibility.

I got kinda nervous when I entered the hospital as this is only my second visit to hospital in my life time.

It started drizzling when we approached there.

Apparently the sky was sorrowful as well.

We went into the hospital and subsequently I could sense the aura smelled ridiculous.

It smelled something like popcorn instead of those sorta sterile or Detol smell as I had expected.
And then I realised that the smell indeed came from...

LOLS. The nervous circumstance instantly changed into restful place full of entertainment and most importantly, FOOD!
Disregarding those beloved food, we rushed to the lift and pressed on the 'Floor 6' button.

Wad 6C was where Aunty Sally being treated and stayed.

As what I had expected, the corridor was full of awful sterile smell. We went pass many patient rooms and eventually arrived hers.
Aunty S sat patiently beside of Aunty Sally, who was lying on the bed, in the condition of coma. And Aunty S was crying 'cats-and-dogs' while the other friends attempted to console her.
Her heartbeat was 85 when we arrived. The doctor stated that by the time her heartbeat goes to 60 or below, it means...
In fact, Aunty Sally could not manage to even breath. She depended fully on the machine which pumps oxygen into her lungs from time to time.
So, everyone was extremely worried about her because she might pass away ANYTIME.
I could see everyone was sobbing, and crying, and sobbing, and crying. The tissue paper was finished up within a blink of an eye.
I could see everyone was looking at the heartbeat indicator with their helpless sight. How pathetic and distressing.
Even the Indian family next door felt pitiful and sorry for us and Aunty Sally as well by questioning mi what has actually happened.

Felix said it was boring. =(After camping there for more than 3 hours, I could feel the boredom too so I decided to take a stroll around Wad 6C. Then I noticed these.

Perhaps they wrote this to themselves? Haha... ._.
Perhaps they needed 'face'.
We went back home after informing Aunty S that night. I prayed under my breath before leaving, 'God Bless You, Aunty Sally'.
She passed away today.
During noon.
And she is only 46.
R.I.P, Aunty Sally.
You will always be in OUR hearts.