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Monday, January 11, 2010

Pn. Hasmawati Watches Naruto and Bleach

Let mi introduce to you our B.M teacher, Pn. Hasmawati.

Hey, no offence yea~

I'm not here to insult any teacher, she's good, SO FAR.

Just to share with you guys about something interesting =D

A week ago, Pn. Hasmaswati gave us Pembinaan Ayat Bahasa Arab as our home assignment. We were to hand up the assignment latest by the second day.

And today, she returned the exercise books after checking and marking them.

Let's look at Chun Xian's book.

Oh yea, before looking at his book, you have to convince yourself that Pn. Hasmawati just LOVES to watch Naruto.

Hmm.. focus on the two parts that was circled up.

Let me zoom in for you ~ (Click on the images to zoom in)

If the handwriting is too messy, refer here then :
(P/S: Yellow wordings indicates Chun Xian's writing; Red wordings indicates Pn. Hasmawati's writing/correction.)

1) Shikamaru yang fatan telah merancangkan pelbagai jalan yang terbaik untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembunuhan di Konoha.

2) Intikad negatif telah diberikan terhadap Itachi yang telah membunuh seluruh puala Uchiha.

After that we asked Pn Hasmawati whether she watches Bleach or not. She claimed that she only watched until chapter 14... LOLS ._.

Besides these Bina Ayat, she sometimes uses "Bahasa Naruto" during our lessons.

For example, one time we were too boisterous in class when she was teaching. No matter how loud she shouted, the noise level of our class never reduced.

Eventually, she said," Chakra awak terlalu banyak ke? Kena keluarkan? "

Everyone was stunt and laughed like mad.

Another time, she warned us that whoever does not complete her homework will be penalized.

Someone shouted, " Cikgu, guna Rasengan kalau tidak buat homework!"

Without hesitation, she answered, "Guna Api Hitam dah boleh lah~ "

We really let her zaddou....